Proven Marketing Tools Weed Man serves nearly half a million lawn care customers across North America, thanks in part to the superior marketing systems we’ve developed for our franchisees over the years. All elements of our marketing systems are rigorously researched, tested, and proven in our corporate and franchisor offices before being introduced to our franchisees. Weed Man’s marketing systems are designed to provide sophisticated tools that allow you to build long-lasting relationships with your customers while carefully measuring your results. At Weed Man, you’ll be exposed to a variety of traditional and digital marketing strategies. Our national marketing experts are always up to date on the latest marketing trends in our industry to help you stay ahead of the curve. We’ll share network-wide results and make localized recommendations to help you gauge what’s going to be the most effective in your particular market. You’re committed to growing your business, and we’re here to help you build a strong marketing plan to support you in achieving that growth.