Lawn care is a small slice of the consumer’s disposable income and one of the last budget items to be cut when belt-tightening is necessary. While nothing is recession-proof, the majority of our franchises have flourished during recessions. As a result, we've seen year over year growth and are on track to exceed last year's numbers.
Also shielding lawn care from exposure to recession is its popular reputation as a low-cost service that enhances both property value and pride of ownership. In fact, studies have shown that professional lawn and landscape services can add as much as 15% to a home’s value at resale.
Plus, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that a well-run lawn care company can count on the vast majority of its customers automatically renewing each year. This brings in recurring revenues and allows the company to focus marketing efforts on net growth rather than repeat sales.
As a Weed Man franchisee, you’ll always be building on a growing database of renewing customers, creating equity and expanding your business in the process.