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Weed Man USA C.O.O. Featured in Inc. Magazine

8 Habits You Need to Ditch if You Want to be Successful

Jennifer Lemcke, C.O.O. of Weed Man USA, was recently featured in Inc. Magazine's "8 Habits You Need to Ditch if You Want to be Successful" article. 

Jennifer shared the following advice:

Habit to ditch - being too hard on yourself. "Sometimes people like to give advice with the best intentions in mind, and although those opinions should always be considered, in the end you have to follow your gut instinct. If you have a goal in mind and you feel confident with the path you're taking to get there, stay true to yourself and hold yourself accountable to the decisions and choices you've made.

"If somebody criticizes you, always step back, take a breath and think it through; take 24 hours to process their advice prior to responding or making a decision."

To access the full article, click HERE.