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Weed Man Success Profiles

Jeff Kollenkark

Weed Man Fresno, CA

Name: Jeff Kollenkark

Markets: https://fresno.weedman.com/

Education: Bachelor’s degree in plant science from the University of Delaware and a Masters and PhD in agronomy from Purdue University.
Family: Married with five children and sixteen grandchildren.

Career Background: After completing my PhD in agronomy, I began my career in the corporate world as a research and development representative for a turn and ornamental company. I worked as an R&D representative for about fifteen years, before leaving to start my own lawn care company. I then sold the company to do research and development for nine years at Ciba-Geigy; however, I left them at the end of 1994 to start a second lawn care business. In 2000, I joined this business with Weed Man, and have been a Weed Man guy ever since.

Why Weed Man? A few sales people I worked with at Ciba-Geigy recommended I look into Weed Man. I initially had no intentions of joining Weed Man, but after considering franchising I decided to go out and meet them. Weed Man provides me with the potential to make more money and gives me an exit strategy if I want to sell the business.

Why Are You Most Proud of So Far As a Weed Man Franchisee? Weed Man Fresno provide jobs for 17 or so full time people. It’s incredibly rewarding to provide a livelihood and support a number of families. Also, when I first added Weed Man to my business, I was generating about $700,000 in annual sales. Now, I’m generating about $2.1 million in sales and I was the largest unit a few years ago.

What is the Key to Your Success? The key to my success has been following the systems that Weed Man provides and trying to develop a relationship with our customers. Also, it’s key to provide excellent and quality services.